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Comfrey Book: Volume 2
Cultivation of Comfrey;
Medicinal & Food Uses for People & Livestock

448 pages, 8.5" x 11", Softcover Perfect Bound
Published 2022, $27 with free shipping

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Volume 1, $27

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Volume 2, $27

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Volume 1 & 2, $49

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Cultivation of Comfrey

Care of Comfrey Plant: Overview and How to Propagate

Planting, Soil, Fertilization, Water, Disease

Productivity and Farm Economics of Comfrey

Harvesting Comfrey Leaves

How to Get Rid of Unwanted Comfrey

Comfrey Book, Vol 2: Cultivation of Comfrey- page 1 pdf

Medicinal and Food Uses for People and Livestock

Comfrey as Food and Medicine for Livestock

Comfrey Meal, Pellets, Hay and Silage

Livestock / Pet Species and Comfrey

Comfrey Book, Vol 2: Livestock and Pets- page 1 pdf

Medicinal Comfrey Overview

Medical Research about Comfrey and Healing

Personal / Clinical Observations of Healing

Comfrey Heals: Allantoin

Making and Using Comfrey Medicine

Warnings and Negative Reactions to Comfrey

Alkaloids in Comfrey

Some Uses of Comfrey are Restricted by Governments

Humans Eating Comfrey

Miscellaneous Uses of Comfrey

Comfrey Book, Vol 2: Comfrey as Medicine- page 1 pdf

Comfrey Book, Vol 2: Alkaloids in Comfrey: Scientific Studies and Various Perspectives, Chapter 30 pdf

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Image: Symphytum Peregrinum.
Curtis's Botanical Magazine,
Volume 105 or Volume 35 of Third Series,
by Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, London, England.
December 1 1879, Tab. 6466.

Buy Comfrey Book Volume 1
Comfrey Book Vol 1: Botany of Comfrey page 1 pdf
Comfrey Book Vol 1: History of Comfrey page 1 pdf
Comfrey Book Vol 1: Garden Uses page 1 pdf
Comfrey Book Vol 1: Table of Contents (overview)
Comfrey Book Vol 1: Table of Contents pdf (details)

Tuberous Comfrey: Symphytum Tuberosum
Prickly Comfrey = Symphytum Asperum
Common Comfrey = Symphytum Officinale

History of Russian Comfrey Bocking, part 1
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Comfrey Book Vol 2: Cultivation page 1 pdf
Comfrey Book Vol 2: Livestock, Pets page 1 pdf
Comfrey Book Vol 2: Medicine page 1 pdf
Comfrey Book Vol 2: Table of Contents pdf

Using Comfrey as Dye, Comfrey Book Vol 2
How Restore Vigor in Old Comfrey Plants

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Comfrey Container Gardening
Permaculture & Fruit Trees     Comfrey as Feed for Poultry
Comfrey as Feed for Livestock     Comfrey: Animals & Health
Comfrey & Healing     Comfrey Research: Symphytum
History of Russian Comfrey, part 1     Comfrey History & References

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